Table Top Towers


Table Top Towers

When I first started to make Constructions, I placed a painted rectangle or square inside a box-like frame. Rather than taking on a shadowbox role, these frames evolved into shelves and receptacles to hold things. Once that idea took hold, I began to see these works as maquettes for dramatically larger compositions, architectural in scale. The shelves and chambers became walkways or receptacles for sculptural objects. As I scaled up these constructions, I started to think more about the design of the sculpture I would place in those recesses. These Table Top Towers are my answer to that query. While I see them as possible models for much larger artworks, like the constructions, they are finished works as well. Placed on their marble or metal bases, they become intimate 3-dimensional compositions. Each one unique, each one suggesting architecture, but ultimately an experience for the viewer in the tradition of small-scale sculpture.